Collaboration Opportunity
If you are interested to collaborate in developing diagnostic, prognostic, and research applications based on i-Diagnostics platform and/or real-time TIRF microarrays, please email to:
Invest in Humanity
This project does not pursue a commercial goal. We believe that the social impact this product will have on the world, rather than the profit it can generate should be the main driving force of the i-Diagnostics project. We believe that advanced diagnostics should be available to everyone, not only centralized laboratories, first responders, and healthcare professionals. The overall goal of i-Diagnostics is to create a safety net against biological threats by creating a high-participation network. Increasing affordability is key to strong individual participation, which will catalyze the creation of much-needed health network the world needs. This project will help minimize the risks of pathogenic catastrophe and medical errors and will improve many areas of healthcare, by elucidating the mechanisms of diseases and aiding in disease prevention, diagnosis, and prognosis.
i-Diagnostics depends on donations, as the involvement of a venture capital firm or other traditional commercial routes for this project would result in the emergence of one more expensive diagnostic technology, which is counterintuitive to our goal of making i-Diagnostics affordable to everyone. Moreover, our Open Innovation Business Model incentivizes collaborative efforts, which are essential to building innumerable applications that are infeasible to be developed by any sole organization. Therefore, we address our quest for funding to members of The Giving Pledge and similarly positioned individuals. We believe that this project presents a unique opportunity to give back to society. Your support through donations, sponsorships, and/or grants will help to protect humanity, which today remains fragile with the lack of infrastructure we desperately need.
To sponsor the i-Diagnostics project, please email:
DONATE TO FIGHT BREAST CANCER (suggested amount - $100) Your donation will be allocated to the research and development of breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis. We will acknowledge your donation at our website, keep you informed of our progress, and invite you to upcoming virtual and live events. You will become a member of a virtual group which will help to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer.
DONATE TO FIGHT PROSTATE CANCER (suggested amount - $100) Your donation will be allocated to the research and development of prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis. We will acknowledge your donation at our website, keep you informed of our progress, and invite you to upcoming virtual and live events. You will become a member of a virtual group which will help to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of prostate cancer.
DONATE TO FIGHT ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (suggested amount - $100) Your donation will be allocated for the research and development of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and prognosis. We will acknowledge your donation at our website, keep you informed of our progress, and invite you to upcoming virtual and live events. You will become a member of a virtual group which helps to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease.
DONATE TO FIGHT COLON CANCER (suggested amount - $100) Your donation will be allocated for the research and development of colon cancer diagnosis and prognosis. We will acknowledge your donation at our website, keep you informed of our progress, and invite you to upcoming virtual and live events. You will become a member of a virtual group which helps to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of colon cancer.
DONATE FOR LONGEVITY STUDIES (suggested amount - $100) Your donation will be allocated for longevity studies: monitoring the effect of diet, intermittent fasting, and lifestyle on health and the panel of longevity markers. We will acknowledge your donation at our website, keep you informed of our progress in longevity studies, and invite you to upcoming virtual and live events. You will become a member of a virtual community which will help to improve diagnosis and prognosis related to longevity.
i-Diagnostics Application Development Kit (suggested amount $29,900) Buy an Application Development Kit (ADK) to become a developer of disease-specific tests and other applications. The ADK includes hardware, software, cartridge blanks, development tools, and reagents necessary for application development. You will become a member of a virtual group which will help to improve molecular diagnosis and prognosis.Read More